The Pros And Cons Of The Royal Prerogative Powers

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The United Kingdom as one of the remaining monarchies of the world, which head of it, the Queen Elizabeth II, has powers that provide an essential evolution of the country. These powers, are called Royal Prerogative powers. Obviously, British people respect the Royal family and additionally the queen, nevertheless they could have their own beliefs as seen on their references. According to the Royal Prerogative (“RP”), it is definitely the most historically and continuing tradition of Britain. In some situations, circumstances tend to disappear them and replaced them by other recent means. In this essay, it will define the RP and how can preserve the separation of powers. Therefore, it should explain how these powers dying to a democratic environment. …show more content…

The RP helps to keep our powers separated which avoiding the judicial tyranny. After the formation of the two houses of parliament, which called the legislature, the creation of our statutes prevail to the RP. In the case of De Kayser, RP and statute found to co-exist and statute prevails, for the reason that the representatives in the House of Commons are elected from the public in order to create statute to help the development of the country. Moreover, the constitutional conventions are also part of our unwritten constitution and have conflict to the royal prerogative. Some of the RP powers are included to the conventions such as the automatic granting of royal assent, which the Queen should sign after the convention. Finally, the fire brigades union case mentioned that the executive cannot exercise the prerogative in a way which would derogate from the due fulfilment of statutory duty. The data indicates that the current prime minister, has power to overrule the UK’s parliament recent vote of a military intervention in Syria by using the RP which bypass any common decision of acts of war. Generally, powers such as the parliamentary immunity and prerogative powers, destroy the equality and justice of the society, by giving permission, to avoid the soft process of the legitimate society and finally breaking the rule of law. Supporting this argument, a member of parliament, Jack Straw strongly …show more content…

The judges, judiciary power, ought to interpret the law by providing the justice and peace to the country. An ambiguity existed in this part, because as we already know, the RP is unchecked and absolute. Sir Edward Coke, believe that the King hath no prerogative, but that which the law of the land allows him. Lord Delvin has different perspective, and said that the court will not review the proper exercise of discretionary power but they will intervene to correct excess or abuse. With the Devlin’s view we can clearly understand that the RP can help the executive power to protect the separation of powers. Lord Scarman assumed that the exercise of the power is subject to review with principles of the review of exercise of statutory power. It is worthwhile to consider that Lord Roskill successfully support a view which said that the orthodox view was at that time that the remedy for abuse of the prerogative lay in the political and not in the judicial field. While the RP is still exist, and also sets the directions of our lives, has to be reviewed. The key power of our unwritten constitution is to protect separation of powers, as the other powers acts with check and balances, the prerogative power should be

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