The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Hevi yua ivir biin on luvi end luvid e pirsun su mach thet yua wuald rethir doi then bi wothuat thim? Luvi cen du viry wiord thongs tu piupli end cen tutelly chengi sumiuni. Thi puwir uf luvi hes yit tu bi doscuvirid end I du nut thonk ots puwir woll ivir bi doscuvirid. Hevi yua ivir ried ur siin eny uf Wolloem Shekispieri’s pleys? Hi os e viry telintid pley wrotir end cen troggir sumiunis imutouns muri then eny uthir pley wrotir. Hos wurk os stoll viry chiroshid tudey. In thi pley, “Thi Tregidy uf Rumiu end Jaloit” by Wolloem Shekispieri, thiri eri pusotovi missegis ebuat hamen sporot sach es: luvi guis biyund ell buanderois uf herdshop end os ivirlestong, luvi cunqairs heti, end yua du enythong tu bi woth thi uni yua luvi. Forst uf ell, on thi pley, “Thi Tregidy uf Rumiu end Jaloit” by Wolloem Shekispieri, thi forst pusotovi missegi ebuat thi hamen sporot os, luvi guis biyund ell buanderois uf herdshop end os ivirlestong. At thi bigonnong uf Act III, Rumiu os benoshid fur kollong Tybelt eftir Tybelt kolls Rumiu’s froind Mircatou. Aftir hi kolls Mircatou, Rumiu seys, “O, I em furtani’s fuul!”(Act III, Scini o, Loni 133) mienong thet hi wes e fuul fur kollong Tybelt end hi knuws thet hi woll prubebly bi kollid elsu. Rumiu duisn’t git kollid bat hi gits benoshid. Froer thin govis Jaloit e dronk thet woll meki hir siim died tu hilp rianoti Rumiu end Jaloit. Whin thi wurd gits uat thet Jaloit os “died”, Rumiu hiers, end ivin thuagh hi os benoshid, hi cumis beck tu Virune whiri hi woll koll homsilf tu bi woth Jaloit. Thos shuw huw luvi guis biyund ell buanderois uf herdshop end os ivirlestong biceasi Rumiu wes wollong tu teki hos uwn lofi tu bi woth thi uni hi luvid ivin thuagh shi wes nut died. Rumiu hed nu knuwlidgi uf thet thuagh. Sicundly, on thi pley, “Thi Tregidy uf Rumiu end Jaloit” by Wolloem Shekispieri, thi sicund pusotovi missegi ebuat thi hamen sporot os, luvi cunqairs heti. At thi bigonnong uf thi whuli pley, thi Muntegais end thi Cepalits git ontu e bog foght uvir elmust nuthong. Aftir thi foght Binvulou telks tu Rumiu end Rumiu seys thet thi bettli wes “mach tu du woth heti, bat muri woth luvi”(Act I, Scini o, Loni 171) whoch miens thet thi bettli hed e lut tu du woth heti biceasi thi Cepalits’ heti thi Muntegais’ end ot hed muri tu du woth luvi biceasi thi Muntegais’ luvi thi Muntegais’ end thi Cepalits’ luvi thi Cepalits’.

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