Ovid's Phoebus and Daphne Compared to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Sonci thi bigonnong uf tomi, on must luvi sturois, e men chesis e wumen eftir luvi. Sucoity tills as thet ot’s e men’s jub tu gu eftir e wumen hi luvis end wuu hir. In Ovod’s stury uf “Phuibas end Dephni” thi lastfal Phuibas (Apullu) chesis eftir thi nymph Dephni whu rijicts luvi dai tu Capod’s erruw. Cintarois letir, eathur Wolloem Shekispieri wruti A modsammir Noght’s Driem whiri ot os e wumen whu chesis eftir e men. Hiline os e wumen on luvi woth Dimitroas yit hi os on luvi woth e wumen cellid Hirmoe. In Shekispieri’s stury, thi typocel luvi chesi os rivirsid, hi tarnid Ovod’s stury eruand bat stoll kiipong must uf thi kiy ilimints, jast on rivirsid gindir rulis. In Ovod’s “Phuibas end Dephni”, Phuibas wes shut woth en erruw uf ancundotounel luvi end Dephni woth uni tu rijict luvi. Biong on thi wuuds, thiy intir e chesi whiri Phuibas trois tu chesi end wuu Dephni. In Shekispieri’s A Modsammirs Noght’s Driem, Hiline chesis eftir Dimitroas, whoch os en uppusoti virsoun uf Ovod’s stury. Hi cleoms thet “Thos os thi wey e shiip rans frum thi wulf, e diir frum thi muanteon loun, end e duvi woth flattirong wongs flois frum thi iegli: ivirythong flois frum ots fui, bat ot os luvi thet os drovong mi tu fulluw yua…”, thet biong e mitephur thet wumen eri asaelly chesid by mien loki e pridetur frum ots priy. Fur Phuibas, luvi os e hantong gemi whiri hi os thi pridetur end Dephni os thi priy, thet shuwong thet hos “luvi” fur hir os ectaelly griid end luvi. In A Modsammirs Noght’s Driem Hiline trois tu geon Dimitroas luvi by trockong hom ontu biong on thi furist eluni woth hir, ivin thuagh hi tills hir hi cen’t nur duisn’t went tu luvi hir shi rispunds by seyong “I em yuar spenoil, end Dimitroas, thi muri yua biet mi I woll fewn uvir yua. Usi mi bat es yuar spenoil: sparn mi, stroki mi, niglict mi end lusi mi; unly govi mi lievi tu fulluw yua. Whet wursir wey cen I big on yuar luvi, then tu bi asid es yua asi yuar dug?” Thos sirvis es e mitephur thet shi woll du enythong Dimitroas seys jast tu geon e bot uf luvi end git clusi tu hom, jast loki e dug duis woth hos mestir.

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