The Things They Carried Out Movie Analysis

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My overall reaction to this movie is hard to put into words. I cannot describe with words how this movie made me feel. I was freaked out at some points, I was scared for others’ lives in the movie at some points, but I guess I can say that I was just in shock throughout the majority of the movie. Everything just seemed unreal in this movie. I couldn’t believe some of the things that were happening and with some of the things that we learned as the movie went on I could not help but feel astonished. Karl was a very interesting man in this movie. He is a mentally retarded man who barely had a life outside of the psychiatric hospital, where he spent the majority of his life for the murder of his mother and her “lover.” His time was served and …show more content…

This situation, in my opinion, would have a psychological effect on anyone. First off, he is expected to live life like nothing happened when he has been locked up so long that he doesn’t even recognize parts of the town. For example, the grocery store that Frankie’s mother worked at was not there when he was a child. I have never personally moved far away where I have no idea about anything in the town, but I can imagine that he had a lot of adjusting to do. Second, he is mentally retarded and he is in need of help. He cannot be expected to do all of this on his own. I believe this is why he came back the first night because he truly had no idea where he was supposed to start. Eventually he got some help finding a job and making some relationships with people. Karl was adjusting well with the help of his new friend Frankie. He ran into some problems with Frankie’s mother’s boyfriend. It was a reminder of how he was treated as a kid and I could tell that it was hard for him to sit back, listen, and watch this disrespectful man. Towards the end, I had a feeling in my gut as to what he was going to do. I think that Karl saw his life in this young boy and developed such a relationship with him that it was …show more content…

How could he have possibly done the things that he says he did?” After he was done talking about everything that he had done when he was younger, I would have said that he is so much older now and he seems like he would never hurt anyone again. Karl even said that he didn’t think he had a reason to ever kill anyone again. If it were up to me, I would have said that he doesn’t seem dangerous and should be

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