The Tempest Research Paper

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The Tempest is a play written by William Shakespeare. Throughout the play, it describes about a revenge story. At present, revenge that sounds far from our life. As a person, it is a result caused by common emotions, it could be anger or abomination. Therefore, in this case, treason is also can be a reason. When people talk about treason, the first word appeared is “betrayal”. What’s more, in the play, characters are not all human, but also other species. “The others” seems separated to self or own group. Even so, they are a part of life, and they also deserve what they want. In this paper, I will talk about three themes in The Tempest, revenge, treason and “the others”. Through these three parts to illuminate that every effect supposes …show more content…

His plans this revenge for twelve years and the last aim is back to his own country with his daughter. People have essential emotion to be a human, not only love but also hate. As a duke, he focuses on his magic things and less on his country, because he trusts his family, his brother. However, betrayal is a grievous hurt for him, thus, abomination is a constant occurrence in human nature. In his revenge, the furthest important component is his magic book. In the literature, several times to mention the book. For his plan, book means the possibility of success and power of revenge. The name of the book “The Tempest” is kind of symbol of revenge. It is dangerous and unpredictable (result). On the other hand, initiating of revenge also means failure or success. In my opinion, his revenge is successful. An eye for an eye. Twelve years ago, he and his daughter experienced tempest, survive and a revenge plan fermented in his mind. After twelve years, he used his magic to bring the “targets” be caught in the tempest to start his plan. A causal circle expends this story. Nevertheless, he chooses to forgive these people instead of killing them. Hence, forgiveness symbolizes calmness after the tempest here. He gives up his power, the book, to choose to be a common person, also shows that his revenge

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