The Sustainability Of A Sustainable Environment

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As written by (WRITE DOWN THE RESOURCE) sustainability is “the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance” I believe sustainability is being able to use resources but being mindful so that there is enough for yourself and future generations. There has been a dramatic trend by the society of today that businesses and industries are not doing enough to be sustainable and protect our environment. Consumers want everything to be green and eco-friendly and want to be able to know about products and trace what they are buying. The fashion industry is included in this. We wear clothes for three basic reasons to protect ourselves from the elements, …show more content…

Economically a business has to design a product that is in demand which can lead to the business making money and being profitable. This product should be timeless but also trend and the ability to adapt for the future. An example of this is merino. Economically this also creates employment for people so companies think of the social factor. To be sustainable businesses have to think of the welfare of their workers, their rights, to gain professional development in their work and the environment they work in. This also leads to the welfare of the customer making sure they are getting value for money and a quality product. Environmentally the product should have little impact on the environment and use resources that are renewal. It is important also to limit any negative impact to the environment from the manufacturing of the business and reduce any carbon footprint so as earth’s natural resources can still be there for future generations. Designers when creating a product should think of the life cycle of their product. Thinking about the life cycle should help them to create a more sustainable product. They should think about not only the product when it is being used but also in creating the product before use and also after the life of the product what is going to happen to it …show more content…

From viewing a video “Fashion Victims” produced ABC Australia it was noted that the Australian brands such as Forever New, Rivers and Coles manufacturing based in Bangladesh were creating their garments in factories using cheap labour and exploiting their workers. “These clothes had blood on their labels”. No one has questioned the international companies about the neglect of the workers, their wages and the neglect of the buildings. Many are forced to work overtime and have been locked in factories until they complete orders. Management only care about the quantity of their

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