Analysis: The Subliminal Seduction Of The Unconsciousness

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The Subliminal Seduction of the Unconsciousness
Categorize:We see ads everywhere; (climactic word order- normal to most bizarre) on television, on screens in big cities, on billboards, in newspapers, in magazines, on public transportation, in bathroom stalls, in urinals and so much more.The advertising industry has become a huge part of our society .Unfortunately we don’t recognize the mind games media plays on our subconsciousness. If you pay close attention to the media around you there’s many advertising strategies you 'll be able to pick up.
Example: When watching tv shows and movies, advertisers try to subtly show their product every once in a while. This is called referencing. If any of you remember watching Twilight you’ll remember one of the highlights of the movie; Edward’s volvo. Also if you’re ever watching a recent movie or tv show...look at the phones they’re using. 7/10 times, it’s an iphone. This picture is taken …show more content…

Veritable fact: Perception is involuntary for humans, but only a really small portion is sent to our consciousness and the rest is sent to our subconsciousness and unconcsiousness.The goal for all advertisements is to make a positive impact in your subconscious mind and a lasting impact on your unconscious mind . For this to happen, subliminal messages are required to be sent and received. (Denotation) Subliminal means "below threshold."
Analogy: Imagine a ball in a very dark room. When that ball is in complete darkness, it is below the threshold of human vision until light allows us to see it. Basically when information enters our subconscious mind, we aren’t even aware of it. Advertisers don’t care about how the brain works, they just want to enter our subconsciousness so they can make a lasting impact. By entering our unconscious mind using different tactics, advertisers are able to manipulate and control our

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