The Strategy Of Coca Cola's Product Strategy

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Coca-Cola uses a product strategy and a promotional marketing strategy. They try to increase their brand awareness. They use Staffing, they have staff to interact with Facebook users to answer their questions and make it more personal. They post and develop content on a regular basis to build relationships and make connections with their users. Coca-cola does a great job at developing new and interesting content that inspires their followers’curiosity . It also adds value to their users by posting videos of meaninful moments and how life is not all about money, but on the special moments while entertaining their audience. They want to engage Facebook users as much as possible posting videos to advertise their products, for instance, coca- cola vanilla, coke zero, etc. They even teach you how to use coke in cocktails, share their recipes and how to make them by posting informational videos.
They use famous celebrities such as Selena Gomez and Avicci into their adversiting. They have a great customer service team that responds to users’ inquiries and concerns, making it more personal, caring about their customers and …show more content…

I think it is great to be able to find your names on a coke or your friends’ or relativies’ and buy one and give it to them as a present. It is also great to have a the best part of your favorite song on your coke bottle, I think coke does a great job at engaging with their customers. I like that they show a lot of great videos on Facebook such as the one for #CokeMini , it is known for one of the best adverstiments of the super bowl and customers liked how they added the Ant-Man and Hulk into this ad. Coca Cola does a great job at indentifying what characters of movies and celebrities are liked the most in the moment to add them into their advertisements. I like that they use a lot of Hashtags as well such as #ShareaCoke ,#CaptainAmericaCivilWar and #CokeMini,

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