The Story of Gene Expression in Eukaryotic Cells

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Gene expression can be described as the conversion of information from genes into messenger RNA by way of transcription. Transcription happens in the nucleus, and is where RNA copies of DNA are produced. This process is facilitated by RNA polymerase, where one RNA nucleotide is added to an RNA strand. RNA polymerase is an enzyme used to produce transcripted RNA. It is responsible for constructing RNA chains, in the process previously described as transcription. RNA polymerase polymerizes the ribonucleotides and the 3’ end of RNA transcription. It is essential to life and found in all organisms. Also, it unwinds the DNA molecule, using it as a template, before synthesizing corresponding mRNA strands. mRNA, or messenger RNA, is part of a large group of RNA molecules that communicate information from DNA to ribosomes. mRNA contains adenine, uracil, guanine, and cytosine. Alternative to DNA which has thymine instead of uracil.
Ribosomes are a part of a larger molecular group, and is the central location where transcription occurs. These ribosomes are responsible for linking together th...

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