The Stereotypes Of Bad Men

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Bad men are very popular and grab more attention from girls. Many people tend to relate the word “bad man” and “Wolf”. It fact, I think it’s very reasonable. “Healthy” wolves and “Healthy” men have many things in common. Such as keen intuition, fun nature, full of curiosity, tough, courageous, and they know how to adapt to different environments. However, for people that are viewed as a bad man or a “wolf”, they have been subjected to unfair adjectives about them like dangerous or cunning. Sometimes, man would also spurn those bad men, but in the end, a lot of them became the people like them. Often, women say that they are going to stay away from bad men, but they fall in love with them afterward. It is intuition, also it’s the domino effect. …show more content…

It's just a part of them. This link to a phase, what you see is what your world looks like, and vice versa. In fact, so-called bad men have many reputations, such as fun, colorful, adventurous, ambitious, wild, arrogant, inconsiderate and so on. In general, you could slowly find the word "bad" is a word showing vitality. They are like a hurricane, craze sweeping people's attention. They can bring you excitement in the relationship and you could experience new things with them. They have good execution and imaginations. To some extent, the bad men can be compared to hunters, and women are like prey in their view. But in fact, some women are willing to get "captured" and feeling superior about it. Which woman doesn't like men with energy and excitement and also having an optimistic feeling towards their life and be able to fight and go for what they truly want. A society is like a jungle and it applies the law of the jungle, the one who survives at the end will be able to protect the ones standing behind him. Women find it protective, fun to be with when they are with the people who were being called as bad men by other …show more content…

Think of some of the great people, could it be said that they are all good men? Certainly that I don’t recommend anyone to make judgments to say right or wrong on this title. There is an anime called The Giant Strike. In the first episode, all human beings, but the protagonist were willing to be trapped inside a safe castle to escape from the giant attacks. However, only the protagonist wants to go outside to see the world even his idea has gotten ostracized for uncountable times. And isn’t that the reason that he becomes the protagonist. This scene insinuated the situation in real life. There are a number of men who live ineffectively every day and only a few people are willing to break their comfort zone and try something unknown. Think back to our circle of friends, you may find that we all need a few existence of these people, we need their tenacious vitality. In my opinion, bad is also a reflection of some kind of vitality, it does not always mean that they are crazy or out of control, or give up the original social rules or even deviate from human nature. In contrast, it is tolerant, compatible and positive. All of the unknownness can be fearless for

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