Stand Your Ground Case Study

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Everyone has now become aware of the Stand Your Ground law, due to the mass media coverage of the Trayvon Martin case among other current events. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of force used was not to defend one’s self or even come to the defense of another human being. Nevertheless, Self-defense is what acquitted George Zimmerman of all charges. The Stand Your Ground law states that an individual while in self-defense has no duty to retreat, but has every right to stand his or her ground by using any means necessary to combat an initial threat that might arise from another human being. Additionally, this law allows a person to utilize whatever force they deem necessary against any perceived threat or gesture that could cause bodily …show more content…

This line of thinking has now become an issue within our legislation. This law allows individuals to commit the horrendous crime of murder without having any repercussions under the belief that the violence was committed by a justifiable means. In order for one to do this, one must present a case filled with evidence as well as validating points and justifications for the event. After that point, it is up to the court to prove that you were or were not an innocent party. This decision becomes increasingly difficult when there are no witnesses present, and the only other person present during the event, is now deceased and cannot recall the actual events that took place. Within the state legislations that sanctions the Stand Your Ground law or a form of the statute, it has been proven that a sudden rise in the amount of deaths that have been regarded as justified. So in a sense, if you feel like you just want to shoot someone that day, you can consider yourself covered as this law will and/or could protect you from any legal …show more content…

They have continually attempted to promote the passing of the legislation among other states. These efforts truly come towards the questioning to why this organization is striving so aggressively to bring about this law. What really is that the National Rifle Association’s purpose of the proceedings for the Stand Your Ground law to be enforced? It simply boils down to the idea of lobbying for gun-rights activism as well as added profits from the purchases of guns and ammunition. People are indeed allowed to have guns and even attain a concealed weapons permit. The major downside to this is that with the passing of the Stand Your Ground law someone could easily bestow themselves with the ability and cognizance to administer bodily harm to another human being if deemed

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