The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down By Anne Fadiman

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After reading the book called “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” by Anne Fadiman it made me think about life a little different. It made me view life as if I were Lia and her family and going through everything they are going through within this book. How they have overcome every obstacle and challenge. No woman in the world should have to go through a phase where they have lost their child. Reading this book also made me realize some the things I don’t want to go through when I have children of my own when I get older. I give all the woman in the world my respect and support because the pan they have to go through when they have a child especially if they don’t have a home of their own.
When a woman is about to have a child and she’s homeless she is not able to go to the hospital and just give natural birth or a C-section because her and her husband have no type of insurance to cover for the cost of having the baby in an actual hospital. She may not even know what it feels like to give birth in a hospital because she has given birth to her children on her own with the help of her husband and the children turned out to be just fine and healthy with no medical issues.
Most families in our society don’t have insurance to cover their medical bills or medical needs for when they need to take their children to doctor appointments for when they become ill or even when their child or children become seriously injured from playing a sport and they don’t have the insurance to pay for the expenses of the surgery. No family should have to go through not being able to qualify for insurance regardless of the situation of living they may be in. As far as being homeless, not having a job or even being a single parent doing all the w...

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For example if I were born and raised in another country and had children with my husband and the last child I had become suddenly ill and had seizures just about every night as soon as I put he or she down to sleep I would be worried and rush the baby to a hospital because I wouldn’t know what to do and I would not let my own child sacrifice or die right in front of my eyes and if the doctors in my country cannot tell me what is causing the baby to have these seizures. I will eventually have to pack up all my things and move to the United States.
Once I arrive in the United States I would go and seek for a doctor that can tell me why is it that my child is having these seizures every night is. I would even go against my religious beliefs and values just so my child would survive and won’t have to go through what Lia went through and end up a vegetative.

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