Social Work Reflective Essay

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Growing up, it was instilled in my head that a social worker was a person who took children away from their parents. I do not remember where or how that negative stereotype of a social worker was first imprinted in my mind. It was discouraging and upsetting to hear adults talk about the social work profession with a negative connotation. Today, our society is fixed on placing everyone in a box. Forgetting that we are more than what we are labeled. Blocking us from growing as a person. Every day, our experiences shape our thoughts, ethical values, characteristics, and how we view ourselves in society. It is without a question that my life experiences and relationships have influenced me to the path of the social work profession. Self-awareness is a skill every social worker should have. Having a higher self-awareness enables a worker to counsel others better. Over the past year, I have become conferrable and self-aware of my sexuality. It was an internal struggle of self-hate. A fear of not being able to pursue my career (social work) due to my sexuality. Fear of ruining relationships and going against social norms. Becoming conferrable of my sexuality, it has allowed me to become conferrable with …show more content…

I would overeat as a way of de-stressing. I know and have acknowledged that this is not a good way to de-stress. Recently, I have managed to stop overeating and find other ways of de-stressing. Such, as walking and other physical activities. Going into social work, I know it is a stressful job and school will be more difficult once transferring to a university. I will find a way to manage stress in a healthy manner. A characteristic of mine that will help me in my social work education is optimism. My mother came from a lower economic class and build herself up to the middle class by hard work and perseverance. She instilled in me these characteristics. More importantly, optimism for my future in social

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