The Social Impact of Digital Media

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In the past decade, the rise in internet usage has become exponential. It has paved the way for an amalgamated globalized media network working towards bringing people together and exposing them to a wealth of information at the same time. Digital in nature, the internet is like a global village allowing everyone unlimited access to anything, anytime and anywhere. It transcends physical boundaries allowing connections on an individual, personal and professional level. More importantly, the beauty of the internet lies in the fact that it is interactive and encourages participation as well as a sense of community when compared to traditional forms of media. Its self sufficiency not only provides information an arena to build and grow, but also offers it the basic tools and materials for construction within its framework. The instant gratification syndrome is one of the major reasons why the internet has become so popular today. A digitally enabled device can help you find a route via GPS anywhere, set up a professional business or search for information on practically everything known to mankind – the possibilities are endless. And now, with the recent spurt in new and improved affordable devices, there seems to be no stopping the internet revolution.

There is a flip side to the wonders of the internet – it disconnects people from the real world and limits their face to face interaction. It can lead to addictions and indulgence in nefarious activities which can harm lives of individuals and everyone around them. But to suffer from a true addiction is when the habit spins out of control causing extreme social situations like the dissolution of a marriage or loss of livelihood. The crux lies in understanding the premise that every...

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... also leads to the creation of new laws and codes of conduct, for example, intellectual copyright in the digital arena.

Works Cited

The internet and society – James Slevin page 1-3 introduction, 2000

Internet: technology, people, process by Tom Craig – pg 4 – 11, 2002

Handbook of new media: social shaping and social consequences of ICTs by Leah A. Lievrouw, Sonia M. Livingstone – pg 59, 2006

The language of new media by Lev Manovich – pg 19

Digital Cultures: Understanding new media by Glen Creeber and Royston Martin, 2009, Page 1 –

Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication by Paul Messaris and Lee Humphreys 2006-2007, introduction, page xv -

New media: A critical introduction by martin lister pg 1 - 45

The network society: social aspects of new media By Jan van Dijk – pg 1 – 12

New Media: An introduction by Terry flew

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