The Signs Of Death In Final Destination

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Final Destination (2000) is the start of the popular franchise centered on individuals who used their gifts to escape death. Alex Browning, a high school senior prepares to go on a class trip to France but shows clear signs of unease, he sits in his seat and as the plane hits air it erupts in flames, seats and students are flung out of the plane before the plane, itself, explodes. However, Alex wakes up at that moment, realizing it was a dream. In those few minutes, everything he saw, felt, and heard in his dream was happening, causing a panic attack and the result was getting kicked off the plane with several other students. The signs he saw after his dream saved their lives. As the film continues, Alex uses the signs to cheat death as it follows them, trying to right the wrong in the grand design. …show more content…

He starts paying attention to the world around him and is able to see possible dangers. He focuses on the signs, which, in any other circumstances would just be regular things like a fan, a wire, a small flame. Before each death, Alex is able to see deaths plan and these signs may come in the form of a reflection of a bus or a fan spinning behind someone’s head. Typically, these things are just things, nothing more and nothing less. However, here these things become signs and by focusing on these signs Alex is able to earn how to cheat death. If he were to point out a fan to someone else, they would see a simple fan, where he would see potential death and eventually, they would perish by the representation of that sign. Augustine's explanation of signs is "those things which are employed to signify something" (156) and in the case of Final Destination, these signs that Alex can see signify

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