The Shield Of Achilles In The Iliad

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The Shield of Achilles: The story and it’s meaning in The ‘Iliad’ The Shield of Achilles shows life in two different perspectives; it shows normal life in peace, as it symbolizes everything past the battleground; as well as it implies that war creates only one unique aspect of life. This shield has a very low impact on the story as a whole, but it also provides a viewpoint on the entire Trojan War. This protective piece of armor reminds us that humans may serve not only as fighters, but also as regular living beings that have to survive. Humans fight, work, and play. Even though Homer describes in detail the lifespan of the warrior and the importance of war during most of this epic, his portrayal of regular life as it is shown on the shield …show more content…

This story takes place during the Trojan War. A bloody, long time span between 1194-1184 BCE. Achilles, the son of Thetis and Peleus, was a fierce Greek warrior. Thetis, who plays a huge part in this discussion on the Shield of Achilles, was a sea-nymph—or the goddess of the sea. His father, Peleus plays a vital role, as Achilles uses his spear and rides his immortal horses. (Need citation) Achilles had gods for his parents, nonetheless, he was ruthless and unstoppable. The Shield of Achilles really doesn’t play a huge role until later on in the story. Before the subject of the shield is discussed, we must investigate the reason why it was brought into existence. Patroclus, Achilles best friend, was killed by Hector. After a brief fight between many Trojans over his dead body, the armor is taken of his …show more content…

One is filled with happiness, the other filled with war. Both filled with Turmoil; two armies battle each other in one city, with bloodshed along the river banks were many dead lay. In both cities, death is not oblivious; nonetheless, they both have love in them. In the Greek city, Achilles and a fellow comrade fight over the consequence for the murder of a warrior and take their case to Zeus for the punishment. In the Trojan city, families stay and watch as the men go off to battle the Greeks. This is meant to symbolize the Trojans going to war with the

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