The Seven Miracles Of Christ

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Throughout the New Testament are recounts of the miracles that Jesus performed to give proof that He was indeed the Son of God and the Messiah foretold of in the Old Testament. John chose to recount only seven of the many miracles that Jesus performed. He felt that these seven, more than any of the others, showed definitive proof that the Messiah, the Son of God, had come as promised.

The First Miracle – John 2:1-11

The first of the seven miracles that John recounts is the turning of water into wine. John notes that this miracle marks the beginning of Jesus’ signs to His disciples and the world. Jesus and his mother are invited to a wedding during which the hosts run out of wine. When the servants come to Mary and tell her that the wine is all gone she turns to Jesus. Jesus does not immediately come to their aid but tells Mary that His time has not yet come referring to the hour just before His betrayal and crucifixion. (Laney, 1992, p.64)

Mary tells the servants “Whatever He says to do, do it.” Jesus then tells the servants to fill several stone waterpots with water. Once they completed this He tells them to take some of it to the headwaiter. The headwaiter states that what he tasted was better than the wine that had been served earlier. Jesus had transformed the ordinary water into a fine wine.

This miracle shows us how Jesus fulfills our human needs in the absence of resources. He shows us that when we run out of resources and are in need we can turn to Him and he will provide us with what we need. He also shows us that, just as he changed the ordinary water into fine wine, He changes us and our quality of life when we accept Him into our hearts and lives.

The Second Miracle – John 4:46-54

The s...

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... disciples, and all of us today who read the Bible, the beautiful and wondrous things that God has done, and continues to do, for us.

Before this course, I had never really studied the Bible. Reading the Gospel of John and the Moody Gospel Commentary by J. Carl Laney has been an incredibly eye opening experience for me. Prior to this class I only knew of a few of the miracles that Jesus had performed in the Bible. Though I do not know all of the miracles He performed, I have become very familiar with these seven and how they show what God can and does do for us. It is very humbling and joyous at the same time. I am really looking forward to the next Bible Study course I take.


Laney, J. Carl. Moody Gospel Commentary: John. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992.

__________. New American Standard Bible. New York and Cleveland: Collins Publishers, 1977.

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