The Secret Life Of Bees Chapter Summary

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At the beginning of each chapter, there is an epigraph. The epigraph connects to an event or theme that happens during that chapter. For example, before chapter 6, it says, “The queen must produce some substance that attracts the workers” (102). In this chapter, the queen is referencing the statue Mary, who holds the black community together through her strength and protection. After the statue was placed in the praise house, each person would go up to her, touch her heart, and feel strong. As a result, many of the bold slaves fled, and others received support from her. Because of Mary offering this bravery and strength, the slaves would praise her each day, staying close to her. Before chapter 7, the epigraph is “How did bees ever become equated with sex? …show more content…

A hive suggests cloister more than bordello” (115). It is indicating both Lily and Zach’s relationship, along with June and Neil’s, and how each are slightly different. Bees should not be equated with sex, but in reality, they are anyways. This is akin to Lily and Zach’s relationship. Ever since Lily met Zach, she has been attracted to him. In addition, Zach also likes Lily. However, since Lily is white and Zach is black, they know that their relationship is not common and therefore not respected in society. Neil’s and June’s relationship is also present in the chapter. They have been dating for years, but June vows to never get married. Similarly, their expectation is different from the reality. The epigraphs that are before each chapter in the book relates to events in that chapter. It gives the reader a brief overview of an important idea later

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