The Secret Life Of Bees Rhetorical Analysis

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In life, actions and events that occur can sometimes have a greater meaning than originally thought. This is especially apparent in The Secret Life Of Bees, as Sue Monk Kidd symbolically uses objects like bees, hives, honey, and other beekeeping means to present new ideas about gender roles and social/community structures. This is done in Lily’s training to become a beekeeper, through August explaining how the hive operates with a queen, and through the experience Lily endures when the bees congregate around her. Sue Monk Kidd uses Lily’s training to become a beekeeper to symbolically convey ideas about the structure of society. When Lily walks outside with August in the evening, Lily learns, “Don’t be afraid, as no life-loving bee wants to …show more content…

When Lily is on bee patrol with August, she is told, “Every bee has its role to play… There’s the queen and her attendants… Bathe her… She’s the mother of every bee in the hive, and they all depend on her to keep it going,” (148-149). Similarly to the previous passage, Sue Monk Kidd uses the hive and its bees to symbolically represent both gender roles and community structure. Just like the hive, the Boatwright household is run, or ruled, by solely women. This is a strong example of gender roles in the story, because households and businesses were typically run by men only. However, both the household and business of the Boatwright sisters is run by women, and only women. In the case of the Boatwright household though, instead of inhabiting a “hive” where a queen bee rules, they inhabit a “hive” where everything revolves around The Black Mary. They bathe her in honey and worship her, just like the queen bee is worshipped and taken care of by those in her hive. Not only this, but similarly to a beehive, both the Boatwright household and the beehive would both die out if the queen disappeared and the work force suddenly stopped. The Boatwright sisters all have their jobs just like the bees, and without competing these jobs, the community would fall apart. Certainly, this shows how the bees and their hive are able to symbolically represent social structure in the real world, as what happens in the hive will also happen in the real world if the queen

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