Jaws Impact: Endangered Sharks and Devastated Ecosystems

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[Introduction] Sharks are essential to our marine ecosystems, and the continued culling of them can cause the extinction of the species as well as a devastated ecosystem within our oceans.
Not only was Jaws the prolific movie that changed Steven Spielberg's career, but it was also the movie that changed the perception of sharks forever. Fear of sharks went up, people stopped going in the water, and shark populations started to plummet. Since the premier of Jaws, shark populations have decreased by at least 50 percent across all species, and around 99 percent in certain species of shark. One shark, the Sand Tiger shark (also known as the Grey Nurse Shark) is critically endangered in Australia. There is only around 200 left in the australian waters, and no efforts to conserve the species have been effective. So how exactly has Jaws caused so much devastation to the shark population? Well, the movie Jaws showed sharks, specifically …show more content…

This was also during the time where there was a massive population boom, which caused made a higher volume of people going into the ocean during the summer, which prompted a higher rate of shark attacks. All of these combined created a sort of hysteria within people who were worried about their children’s safety in the water as well as their own. Soon, the government became worried as well. The government began implementing shark control programs where they would target large species of shark through nets and drumlines, which are baited hooks, and effectively kill them. One shark control program in Hawaii that lasted from 1959 to 1976 resulted in almost 5,000 shark deaths. More recently, Queensland, Australia has been implementing various shark control programs to ease the public’s fear of the water as well as attempt to create the ocean safer for summer activities. This program is ongoing and was implemented in

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