The Role Of The Church In The Medieval Church

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As skirmish and pestilence bedeviled the era of the Middle Ages, the Medieval Church, with its dual-nature of inflicting disquietude and endowing absolvement and education, aided many men and women within the Society of Orders of Western Europe, offering these mortal lambs relief from their sinful, materialistic humanity while additionally reminding them of the anguish that could branch from their sins in the afterlife. Therefore, the Church, with its many bureaus and offices, oversaw the conduct of each affiliate, the authority of Christianity influencing each holy berth as eminently as those who were not necessarily part of the clergy. Within the Society of Orders, there was a chapter of individuals known as “those who pray.” These persons, …show more content…

Therefore, the Medieval Church and subsequent members of the Clergy had to integrate themselves into everyday life and develop ways to save the peace of mind of their human comrades. To do this, they devised methods to integrate those who wanted to reform while also providing ceremonies for the common sinner. Monasteries and nunneries were made available to those who wanted to live a reformed and holy life. Within these holy institutions, novices were introduced to a life of work and worship. Guided by holy and refined abbots and abbesses, leaders of the monastic orders, these individuals were eventually indicted as monks and nuns, spreading their influence as new members of the individual sect. Though, not all men and women were interested in a monastic lifestyle. For this reason, the Church provided sacraments to bless the pious churchgoers outside of holy orders. Ceremonies like baptism and confession alleviated the weight of original and every day sin. Individuals would be able to live the word of God and be forgiven for straying off of the wrong path. Though, the pursuit of salvation individualistically and in the community was not just limited to church enclosures and religious

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