The Role Of Pride In The Odyssey

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As one of the seven deadly sins depicted in the bible pride is defined as an excessive admiration of self. In book 9 of the Odyssey, The Cyclops, Odysseus and his men encounter Poseidon’s cyclops son Polyphemus. Odysseus manages to offend Polyphemus, causing the monster to devour two of Odysseus’s men and trap the remaining men inside his cave. At night Odysseus and his comrades fashion a stake and plan to attack the cyclops and escape before they are killed. The men blind Polyphemus by stabbing the stake through his eye, and they escape the cave by using the cyclops’s sheep to disguise themselves. The whole encounter could have went much smoother than what played out of Odysseus hadn’t let his biggest flaw get the best of him; his pride.

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