Essay On Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Virtually, everything we do in our world is for the love of something or someone. In Homer’s epic, The Odyssey, Odysseus was driven by his love for Penelope and his home of Ithaca to attempt daring adventures that accredited him the title of a hero. Loyalty is one of the most vital attributes of a person’s character. It is loyalty that forms the bond and connections with the people and places around us. It is our daring thoughts and daring actions fueled by our loyalty that allow us the power to achieve goals or overcome obstacles in our lives. Whether our confidence comes from pure bravery or a desperate need for our love, it is vital in completing the tasks that we are presented with during our lifetime. Odysseus is a hero, because he is loyal, daring, and confident. …show more content…

He ultimately turns down his offer because he craves a deeper connection from Penelope’s love. Odysseus expresses his sorrow by saying, “My heart aches for the day I return home...” (Homer 235). His loyalty fueled by this love pushes him to take chances against gods, goddesses, and monsters. Calypso tries to sway him from leaving by suggesting that her beauty is greater than any wife he could have. Odysseus honorably replies with, “She’s only human, and you are a goddess, Eternally young. Still, I want to go back” (Homer 235). We have all been pushed to our limits in the hopes of reconnecting with something lost, and at times, it truly feels that we are invincible. Love runs deep through our veins, which gives us an unspeakable

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