The Role Of Geography In Guns, Germs, And Steel

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Guns, Germs, and Steel
America some people are going out and buying hundreds of dollars of food to provide their families while in papua New Guinea people are trying to figure out what they are going to eat that night.Geography can answer why the world is so unequal and why some countries are thousands of years in front of others. Some civilizations are thousands of years in front because geography affects agriculture, domesticated animals, steel, and germs. Each of these plays a special role in why the the world is so unequal.

Geographic location affects what crops you can grow because in some topic areas you can not grow much food and you will have to always have to be looking for food and resources and will never spare time to build a …show more content…

Some other animals can not be domesticated because there climate or if they can survive in that specific climate. The animals can not be domesticated if you can not support them with certain crops to eat or survive on. Papua New Guinea could not domesticate animals simply because the animals did not really exist then. There were animals but Papua New Guinea could not domesticate them. Papua New Guinea would be able to hunt of those animals but no domesticate them. Some major domesticated animals are pigs, cows, horses, sheep, and goats. why pigs are a big factor is because they can clean up fields and produce food. Why cows are important is because cows can produce milk and food. Cows can also speed up crop production and also clothing. Why the horse is important was because they could pull the plow which would speed up crop production. Sheep would be used for milk and food sheep was a big factor on clothing. Goats were able to produce milk and food. All of these animals played a big role on why the world is so …show more content…

With bad geographic location you can have trouble feeding yourself and others also if you can domesticate animals to help that food production grow significantly faster and also if you can provide germs to prevent immunity to smallpox and provide steel to develop resources to build resources and weapons to conquer in war. For agriculture civilizations need the right climate to grow the right crops such as wheat and being able to provide food for others. When civilizations are able to provide food for all others you can develop specialist to try to get domesticated animals to provide faster crop production also domesticated animals can provide food and milk and can use plows. Having domesticated animals can help with germs. A civilization can benefit from immunity because when a civilization is around animals they can build immunity from those animals while other civilizations don't, they can not develop immunity to smallpox. Having steel can benefit a civilization because you can make resources and weapons to conquer a civilization. Why all these topics matter to the question “why is the world so unequal?” because if you do not have all these topics you can’t build a strong civilization and will not advance in the world. For a while people thought is was just race that caused why the world is

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