'The Road Not Taken And ¨thank You, Ma' Am

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Everybody says that they want to be unique, but not many people actually do many important things that are unique. The two stories, ¨The Road Not Taken¨ and ¨Thank You, Ma'am¨ deal with the theme of being different, but they explore this theme in many different ways. Both stories show how being different from others can help out many people, including yourself.

In ¨The Road Not Taken¨ by Robert Frost, the story revolves around the speaker. The speaker is torn between choosing which of the two paths that they want to take. One of the paths is a path that many people have traveled through and the speaker knows where the path would lead. The other path, nobody has gone through, and the speaker doesn't know where it leads. The speaker chooses to be different from everybody else and choose to go through the path that hasn't been explored as much. This means that the speaker didn´t listen to what everybody else would say or do, and followed where they wanted to go. At the end of the poem it says ¨I took the one less travelled …show more content…

The lady does not let this happen and stops the boy from getting away. The lady explains how what the boy did was wrong. She takes the boy, Roger, to her house and cleans him up. The lady is kind to him and gives him food. The lady, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, tells Roger about how she also once was a poor girl who wanted thing she could not get. She ends up giving Roger ten dollars to buy him some blue suede shoes, the suede shoes were the reason that Roger attempted to steal the pocket book. This story shows how being different and trying to help somebody out, instead of just leaving them be, can be a very good thing. Mrs. Jones helped the boy, fed him, cleaned him, gave him money after he attempted to steal from her. Many would have just turned him into the police, but Mrs. Jones decided to be unique and change the

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