The Road Not Taken Research Paper

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“The Road Not Taken” Theme In the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost the theme is making choices can change your life. A reason for this is having to choose between two different paths. Another reason could be that taking a certain route will change things for you, preventing you from ever going back to who you once were. The final reason is that doing something that not many other people do can make all the difference. The first reason that shows why the theme is making choices can change your life is demonstrated with “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler long I stood” (Frost 1-3). What these lines mean is that there is a person, not necessarily an actual traveler that has two choices they must make. The person wishes that they could be two people in order to be able to do both things at once. These lines of poetry support what the theme is because they talk about how a certain choice can make you wish to be two people, a certain choice can change a bit about what you wish to do and wish to be very easily. …show more content…

Yet knowing how way leads onto way, I doubted if I should ever come back” (Frost 13-15). When writing these lines what Frost wanted the audience to notice is that this ‘traveler’ knew that even if they wanted to come back and take the other path, life has a way of coming up and catching you by surprise and he doubted that they’d ever be able to return. These lines of poetry support what the theme is by stating that because of this choice this person made, their life would be changed to the point that they would not be able to ever return to this point in time ever

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