The Road Crash Short Story

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The crash
Hit- to come against with an impact or collision, as a missile, a flying fragment, or a falling body.Right on the tail, we were hit with immense power. As I saw the cycle rapidly turning across the narrow street, I thought it would just glide on by, but as soon as I saw it quickly advancing, I knew what was next. I felt the motorcycle hit us with a thundering clamor. Flung through the air, I went soaring to the opposing side of the lot. I felt the rigid pavement against my body and I knew that I would be in the uttermost discomfort for a very long time. I had thought that my dad and I were just going to the bank to cash in some checks, but it turned to be the polar opposite of it. It was an ordinary Friday afternoon at the Smith house. As usual, I walked in the door after school to the sweet essence of a meadow on a sunny day. My two kittens, Gasper and Gus greeted as soon as I set foot into our house. I continued in as I sealed the bulky door behind me. I pleasantly trotted into the living room to find my mother, father, sister, Jane, and my baby brother, Billy all sitting on the brown leather couch. My mother greeted me as I walked in with, “Hello Sara, how was your day?”
I told her, “It was excellent, …show more content…

The crash made realize something. Even though I was in a horrible car crash, I gained so much knowledge. I learned that no matter what life throws at you, you can always get through it and take the bad experience and the pain and turn it into a good thing. So yeah, I was in a car crash, and I did get hurt, but I learned that you overcome any obstacle no matter what it is. Now I know that if I am ever in a bad situation and start to feel petrified at the outcome, I just have to remember that no matter what happens I know that everything will be okay. That I may feel as though my whole world collapsed right before my eyes, I know that everything will be just okay in no

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