What Are The Factors That Influence Anne Moody's Life

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From Anne Moody’s childhood to her adult life, she encountered various individuals and families that affected her either positively or negatively. Irrespective of the light in which they are viewed, each one helped to shape the resilient, young black lady that she (Anne Moody) turned out to be.
After Toosweet (Anne’s mother), quit a domestic job she had with a lady that worked her so hard, she got another domestic job with the Johnson’s. Mrs. Johnson was a school teacher and Mr. Johnson was a rancher who bought and sold cattle. The Johnson were very nice to Anne and her family. However, it was Mr. Johnson mother, Miss Ola, who lived with the Johnson’s that appeared to have impacted Anne the most in the household. Though Anne did a lot of chores for Miss Ola, Anne learned to like Miss Ola very much and they had lots of fun together. Miss Ola would bake cookies for them every Saturday and had a bell she would ring when she had cooked something for them or wanted them to do something for her. The old lady (Miss Ola) who would call …show more content…

Rice, another influence on Anne’s Moody’s life, was her homeroom teacher. She became like a mother to Anne. She told her all she wanted to know about the civil right movement. This was unlike her birth mother, Toosweet, who always shut her off when she asked questions about the killing of blacks or the civil right movement. Mrs. Rice was the first person to teach Anne what the NAACP was about. She explained that it was a Negro organization that was established to help Negroes gain a few basic rights. It was through Mrs. Rice that Anne first accumulated knowledge about Negroes being butchered and slaughtered by whites in the South. Anne also got to know more about the killing of Emmet Till; a murder which had bothered her so much. Mrs. Rice warned Anne that sharing the information she was receiving from her could make her lose her job. At the end of the year, Mrs. Rice was fired; Anne never knew why neither did she see Mrs. Rice

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