The Ring Of The Dove And Susan Sontag Analysis

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In the classical times of the Muslim Empire, scholars were expected to know, think and write about everything and anything, from religion to medicine and love in all of its aspects. Love has been written about from philosophical, medical and even from an erotic viewpoint, Ibn Hazm was one of the greatest writers who had left a noted and lovely contribution to the matter of love. At the same time we should say that: " Beauty falls, morality falls, as standard; "photographic seeing" is the criterion, following " the idea that everything in the world could be made interesting through the camera even the love." In this essay I am going to compare and contrast between the aspects of love through writhing and photographing from the point of view of two persons, they are extremely different from each other. These persons are : Ibn Hazam who wrote a beautiful piece of work about love "the Ring of the Dove" and Susan Sontag and her views about explaining the influence of photography and photograph on every aspect of our life especially the aspect of love. An eminent humanist and prose writer of eleventh-century Muslim Spain, Ibn Hazm was a controversial figure. A polymath whose encyclopedic knowledge reached across all major intellectual …show more content…

Death is a photography." And she also said that :" “We no longer study the art of dying, a regular discipline and hygiene in older cultures; but all eyes, at rest, contain that knowledge. The body knows. And the camera shows, inexorably.” Sontag’s examines how photography mediates the relationship between life and death, and has only swelled with significance and cultural relevance in the decades since, as we have shuttered and pixelated our way into this life-as-commemoration-of-itself age of ours. She writes: "Photographs turn the present into past, make contingency into destiny. Whatever their degree of “realism,” all photographs embody a “romantic” relation to

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