Presidential Palace Thesis

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In the picture it focuses on two soldiers standing in the front of a building in ruins.The soldiers with their military uniform, triumphantly stand with there guns high in the air. The caption reads “La moneda destruida, Santiago 1973,” which translates to “currency destroyed.” This relates to the artwork because both the caption and the image depict destruction from the Chilean military. From an inference the soldiers stand in front of the Allende presidential palace in ruins. The currency can relate to the collapse of the first Chilean democracy because the presidential palace holds place to the heart of the democracy and that's where the president creates his executive decisions, so it became the most vital place to destroy by the Chilean …show more content…

There would be citizens in fear crying trying to get to safety as well as citizens that support president president Allende getting shot. The scene would be complete chaos. This photograph reminds me of the scene where Jaime is called in to the presidential palace and as soon as he arrives the square is completely empty and there’s soldiers guarding the gates. They dressed in their uniforms and guns. Both the image and the book describe the soldiers as guarding and protecting the palace. The pictures thesis statement would be the destruction of a political environment can create a broad, lasting impact. This message depicts the presidential palace in ruins and this creates a tumble effect that left Chile's economy also in ruins. Chiles society became split. Many people were in favor of Allende and mourned when he passed, but others also believed a change needed to take place. With the split occurring, Chile’s economy became destroyed similar to what the photograph is saying in the aspect of the currency which came from the economy becoming …show more content…

1973.” This translates to “friends of Pablo Neruda at his funeral.” The picture focuses on a group of people linked in arms which appear to be walking outside. The background of the picture is trees and the sky. The caption being “friends of Pablo Neruda at his funeral connect the people in the picture as Pablo Neruda’s friends. The photograph evokes sad emotions because Pablo Neruda’s friends express mournful looks on their faces and instead of enjoying Pablo Neruda company, they have to remember him instead. Outside of the picture there would be many more people coming in support of Pablo Neruda. The citizens would be grieving and also coping by reciting his poems because Pablo Neruda was seen as one of the greatest spanish poets and he brought the countries spirits up. Also, since the power belonged to Augusto Pinochet now there would Pinochet’s regime trying to get anyone attending this funeral gone because it did not follow under the same beliefs that Pinochet thought. This photograph reminds me of the scene where Alba and Esteban Trueba are seen at the poets funeral with other people such as journalist those brave enough to attend. In the scene the people grieving Pablo Neruda recite his poems in order to honor his memory. If this photograph had a thesis statement it would be that once someone has passed away their legacy will live

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