The Rhetorical Stance By Wayne Booth Analysis

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Rhetorical Stance In his essay entitled “The Rhetorical Stance,” Wayne Booth describes how rhetorical stance is imperative for good writing. I agree with Booth that by using rhetoric stance in our writing we can produce and powerful and well-written argument. How then do we know if we are using the art of rhetoric in our writing? According to Booth, “Rhetoric is the art of finding and employing the most effective means of persuasion on any subject, considered independently of intellectual mastery of that subject" (199). In making this comment Booth urges us to be knowledgeable on the subject we are writing about and use passion and emotional appeals to strengthen our argument. Booth gives his readers a good explanation of what the word means and how it is portrayed in essays. …show more content…

First being able to master the subject of the matter we are speaking about. Next having an understanding of the audience we are addressing, and lastly having voice and character throughout our writings. The steps in which he states is necessary to create a valid argument makes sense once broken down, as to why it would be much more persuasive. Looking back on the essays this semester that persuaded me to agree with their stance all had one thing in common; they all had a combination of the three factors Booth speaks of. Booth agrees, feeling the same way when he writes, “The common ingredient that I find in all of the writing I admire-excluding for now novels, plays and poems are something that I shall reluctantly call the rhetorical stance, a stance which depends on discovering and maintaining in any writing situation a proper balance among the three elements”

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