The Renaissance: History And History Of The Renaissance

1517 Words4 Pages

Allison McMahon
February 10, 2013
Mrs. Buckley
After the dark ages came a bright period called the Renaissance where learning, art and language were recognized. The Renaissance lasted from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. The location was mostly located in Italy. At the start of the Renaissance houses were quite simple. Most people didn’t have household items and only had what was meant to last. Some people, if they could afford it built their houses out of brick and stone. Houses were dark because there were small windows for protection. Cooking and other smells made the house smell foul. There was no running water, so there was a public water service where most of the time the woman would have to get water. There were no toilets; therefore if they had to go you would have to find a private spot.
Rich people’s clothing was bright and not meant to last through hard work. New dyes and techniques were created that meant people could dress more fashionably. Embroideries were always done in gold or silver. Men wore capes of velvet and other luxury clothes. The poor dressed simply. Their cloth, made out of wool and linen, were cheaper and more available. They had very few clothes and wore them for a long period of time. They did not dress for appearance but for warmth. School was available to any free man and they could come or go whenever they wanted to.
The renaissance school brought back subjects that had been forgotten about and helped teach people Latin. Private tutors taught wealthy kids and sometimes lived with them. Some teachers set up a school in their house. School was different for each student. Some went to universities to learn Latin, but most students just went ...

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...translated into many languages and played all over the world. Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of artistry by the end of the 16th century. Next he wrote about tragedies until about 1608; Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.
The Renaissance was an educational time of learning literature and architecture and was a bright time period after the dark ages. Many people were able to make a difference and change history. The renaissance helped our everyday life and even helped the stuff we already knew by bringing back subjects that were forgotten in the dark ages. The renaissance changed the way we live our life.

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