The Rejected Stalker: Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center

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Anyone around you can be a stalker. Stalkers come from all and any socio-economc background. There are categories made for stalkers but at times, not every stalker fits in each characteristics perfectly. According to the Sexual Assault prevention & Awareness Center, there are six categories of stalkers. The Rejected stalker, Resentful stalker, Predatory stalker, Intimacy seeker, Incompetent suitor, and Erotomania and Morbidly Infatuated. The Rejected stalker is the one who is rejected from a romantic or close friendship. When they feel that the relationship is no longer there, stalker may want to be in a relationship with the survivor again or may seek revenge. The personality characteristics associated with this stalker type are narcissism …show more content…

The stalker will astound and grief to the survivor.This stalkers views him/herself as a survivor instead of the stalker. The stalker views the survivor as a bully from the past who mortified them. Sometimes the survivor is a complete stranger. The personality characteristics associated with this stalker type is irrationally paranoid. This stalker can be very obsessive and threatens verbally instead of physically. To put this stalker on hold, the survivor should confront with legal sanctions. The earlier the stalker is informed to stop- he/she will stop instead of stalking for a long time. The longer the stalking goes, harder it will be to put a hold and control on the …show more content…

They believe that the survivor is also in love with them. The stalker sees the survivor as their most ideal partner and even any negative feedback or unwilling behavior seems like love from the survivor. The stalker sees his/her stalking time as an investment time of love for the survivor. The personality characteristics associated with this stalker type are shy and usually have no intimate relationships. The survivor maybe someone they know or just ant stranger. The stalking behaviors are loving and shows a lot of attention. Their behavior may turn violent if they keep being rejected. This stalker will get jealous if the survivor is in a relationship. Its very hard to stop this stalker type from stalking. They view all legal notices as challenges and obstacles that they need to cross and get to their love the

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