The Raven's Peak Summary

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I recently read Raven’s Peak by Lincoln Cole. When I read the summary, it described the book as taking place in a small mountain town where the people start acting crazy. Abigail Dressler, the heroine, is sent to investigate. She is aided by a guy named Haatim who sort of stumbled into the whole situation. While in this small town, she uncovers demonic activity and a struggle for her life ensues. But, that’s not quite how the story goes. The book opens with a prologue where you are introduced to the Reverend, a.k.a. Arthur Vangeest. The Reverend is in prison when he gets a visit from a woman named Frieda. Frieda has a problem and only the Reverend is her only hope. Knowing that the Reverend is going to be reluctant, Frieda has an ace …show more content…

He is there in an attempting find his purpose in life again following a personal tragedy. While at the library, he is approached by a man with a job proposition. This man wants Haatim to follow the girl who is following him and take pictures. It turns out that the girl following this man is Abigail. Haatim gets in over his head, Abigail ends up saving him, and thus ensues their adventures into the world of demons. During their travels, Haatim learns that Abigail is a member of an order of Hunters led by a Council pledged to protect the world from the supernatural. Their journey ends at a small town called Raven’s Peak where the people do start acting crazy, and it is up to Abigail and Haatim to stop …show more content…

First, the book summary which I mentioned above is a little misleading, I think. You don’t actually get to Raven’s Peak until the middle of the book. During the first half, the town is only mentioned a handful of times and is a job assignment that Abigail is in no apparent hurry to get to which makes the town seem insignificant even though it’s not. Now, we come to the grammar and editing. There were missed commas, improper colon use, wrong words used, and it seemed that there were a couple places where a word was left out. The author also utilized these weird paragraph breaks which didn’t make a lot of sense. One paragraph ends and is separated by the next paragraph by a line of asterisks. Only, the next paragraph is a continuation of the above paragraph. There were a couple of times when a character’s name changed from one page to the next. Also, one of the characters was wearing a set of scrubs that started out being one color and ended up another color later in the book. I didn’t give it 1 star because the pace was on point and the author does a good job of relaying what turned out to be an interesting story. I couldn’t give the book 3 stars because of the Indy 500 ending, the lack of detail regarding the Council and Ninth Circle, and the awful editing job. Despite its faults, I think people who like urban fantasy or books that delve into the supernatural will like this book.

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