Mississippi Trial 1955 Book Report

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Mississippi Trial 1955 Written by Chris Crowe is about a young boy named Hiram. Hiram spent many years of his childhood in the town of Greenwood, Mississippi, which he saw as peaceful and equal. His father and grandfather have very different opinions on the racism and segregation of the south. Hiram discovered the truth once he came back after nine years when a murder of a young African American boy rocks Mississippi.

I would give this book a four point five out of five stars because I really liked the book as a whole, but when it came to the wording of same characters I wasn’t comfortable with how explicit it was. I enjoyed how the author used descriptive words to show what it was like in those times, it really made me think about the story.I …show more content…

A example of this is the trial, the death of grandma, and grandpa's outlook on the south: “Our way of life is precious. It's the way I live, the way my daddy lived, my granddaddy, and his daddy before him. It's going to be the way you live too, if I have anything to say about it” (Crowe, 11). Grandpa has a lot of emotions when it comes to the south. He heavily believes that Whites and African-Americans are not equal, that Whites are superior over African-Americans, and that the African-Americans are meant to be the workers. This is a racist view that goes back for generations in grandpa's family and he intends on continuing to raise his family this way, since grandpa believes there is nothing wrong with this way of life. This contributes to my feelings towards the book in many ways. I feel as if the book was a little too serious and grim for my liking. Some major conflicts in the book were Emmett Tills death and the trial. I felt that the book was well written in the sense that it covered the gruesomeness of the death very well. I think the major theme in this book is perspective, seeing things through new eyes. I think this because Hiram grew up listening to his grandfather and the ways of the south, and how his father did not agree. After the trial Hiram saw racism and the south the way his father

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