Strength In What Remains Character Analysis

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Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans not to harm you but for you to prosper, plans to give you hope and future.” This is my favorite quote from the Bible. It reminds me that no matter what happens, God always has a plan for you, and it is not one that is meant to hurt you. A perfect example of this is in the book, Strength in What Remains by Tracy Kidder. Deogratias Nihizonkiza has to work through many hardships in life, hardships that would sometimes question someone’s belief in God, but I believe it strengthens God’s relationship with Deo. Deo really kept his belief in God strong throughout his life even though he went through many life-changing experiences. When you are a kid in the United States, …show more content…

The young man took him to another camp because it was the best he could do. He had forgotten how long he had been at the camp when one night “flames rose on the horizon. Lights of trucks went racing past” (Kidder, 135) everyone started to scatter but Deo stayed in a group of Hutus hiding. By staying in that group he had avoided the militiamen because they were too worried on finding the people that were running around trying to escape. It did not stop there. Violence broke out later and everyone said to go to the schoolhouse for safety but Deo did not, instead, he sat down a little distance off the trail. I think Deo decided to do this because he wanted to be done he just wanted to sit and not have to run anymore. He did not realize at the time that not going to the schoolhouse would save his life. God was looking out for Deo, even when he thought he was done for. God protected him without him even knowing. He had just survived all of the things that had just happened; Deo now had the chance to talk to Jean who gave him the idea/option to go to America. If that does not show God is protecting over Deo I do not know what would! I think God protects us at all times. We might not think it at the time but then later down the road, you realize you would not be where you were today if you had gone to that one party, or started dating that one person. By protecting Deo on his whole journey through Burundi and the Genocide God protected him just as he protects us in our everyday

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