The Raven Vs. Annabel Lee

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“The Raven” vs. “Annabel Lee”

Edgar Allan Poe was well know author of his time because of his broad canon of work. “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee” are poems that were written by Edgar Allan Poe. “The Raven” was published in January of 1845, later on in 1849 Edgar Allan Poe published his last complete poem, “Annabel Lee”. In “The Raven”, the narrator has all of his questions answered with “nevermore” by a raven that flies into his chamber. In “Annabel Lee”, the narrator talks about his lost love Annabel Lee, however the love between them was envied by the angles and that is what he credited her death. Both of these works are similar because, they revolve around a lost loved one of the narrator. Although “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee” are similar …show more content…

The overall tone of the poem is gloomy and depressing, however this quote suggests the mood is happy and lighthearted just like “Annabel Lee”. While that quote poses a great point in similar tones the following evidence proves it is not merely enough to support the similar tones. “By that heaven that bends above us-by that god we both adore - tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, it shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore-”(92-94). This quote contains a sorrow mood very unlike the entirety of “Annabel Lee”. However, “The Raven” contains only that little glimmer of happiness throughout the whole poem. This shows that the tones differ greatly due to the varying tones of “The Raven”.

The tones differ also due the contrasting settings of the poems. “Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;”(7). This quote comes from “The Raven” and many people believe , it sets the mood as depressing and gloomy at the start of the poem. This will become more clear with the following quote. “It was many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea,”(1-2). Contrasting with the setting of “The Raven” the setting sounds warm and welcoming from the start of the poem. Showing one of the many differences of the two

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