The Raft By S. A Bodeen: Summary

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In 2013, 81 aviation crashes occurred. 3 billion people flew safely that year on 36.4 million flights. Due to this the percentage of a plane crash occurring is fairly small. The Raft by S.A Bodeen is a suspenseful fiction that keeps the reader wanting to read more. The Raft is about a girl trying to survive a plane crash while being stranded in the ocean. Robie (main character) gets on a plane after she stays at her aunt’s house in Hawaii. She is hoping to get back to her parents in Midway Atoll (a group of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). When she is on her way back home to Midway the plane crashes and she and one other boy are left and stuck in the middle of the ocean. Everyone else died from the crash. Robie and Max (the only …show more content…

Bodeen is a good book, but has some parts that could have been better. This book is told from a girl named Robie’s perspective. She is the main character who is going through the aftermath of a plane crash. The author does well with explaining how the characters feel and how it should be portrayed. In the book it says, “My heart was pounding and I took a few deep breathes (page 121, The Raft)”. On page 37 it says, “Salt water poured in my open mouth as I screamed at the darkness swallowing me.” This is a good example when the author does well describing different parts of the story. In contrast, the author wrote a story that was unrealistic in parts. On page 53 in the text it says, “Why was I talking to Max? He couldn’t hear me. So I turned to the left and answered myself. “What list?” Turning back to the right I answered. “Our list of issues.” Like wet clothes…and no food, no water.” This book is told in first person point of view. That means that this book should show the emotion from the character telling the story. One bad thing the author does is she portrays the characters as unrealistic and uses their emotions out of context. This book is emphasized on Robie’s individual experience and what she feels. Overall the plot is explained well but the author could have paid more attention to

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