The Quality of Life for the Residents of Canterbury

785 Words2 Pages

The Quality of Life for the Residents of Canterbury


For this Investigation I have decided to study the City of Canterbury.

Canterbury is in the South East of England, and is fairly close to

both London and the port of Dover.

In this study I aim to address the Key Hypothesis: 'The Quality of

life for the residents of Canterbury is affected by their location

within the city' along with the sub-hypotheses -

1. The age of housing gets younger towards the edge of the city.

2. The Density of housing decreases and the size of garden increases

towards the edge of the city.

3. The Quality of the housing and that of the environment increases

towards the edge of the city.

4. House prices increase towards the edge of the city.

5. The Quality of amenities increases towards the edge of the city.

To aid me in my coursework I will have to conduct studies in two areas

of Canterbury. The first is The Barton Estate, on the outskirts of the

city; the other is Martyr's Field, near to the city centre. I will

collect information by doing a residential land survey, a building

condition survey, an environment survey, a pavement and litter survey,

a ten-minute traffic survey, an amenity survey, a questionnaire of

local residents views and Field sketching of houses in the area. I

will collect exactly the same information in both areas.

To help me draw answers to these hypotheses I will have to look

through evidence I have collected during fieldwork, extra information

from independent sources such as books, and people, and sort through

maps and graphs to provide answers.

I will also use Burgess' Urban land use model, and Hoyt's Urban Land

use model, (See over page.) and I will compare these models with

Canterbury to decide which one Canterbury appears to be like.

The primary aim of this study is to discover the quality of life for

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