The Protector Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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As we know Athene is Odysseus' protector, but what if she was not in the story, who would it be? Hermes, the messenger God, would be a great protector. He could give everyone information that only he would know. He could lead Odysseus on the right path to get him home safe. Hermes could also help fix little situations that are happening throughout the story. Hermes would be the perfect protector for Odysseus. One of the key reasons Hermes would be the best protector is he would be able to deliver messages to Odysseus. Having Hermes as a protector would put Odysseus at an advantage to know the inside scoop on things Odysseus may not be able to find out on his own. He may know what Poseidon is planning on doing and be able to tell Odysseus. Hermes could also deliver important details to Penelope, Odysseus wife. This could allow Penelope to tell the suitors she's waiting for Odysseus to come home. Relieving this problem could allow Telemachus, Odysseus' son, to feel relived about his father and make a different decision on leaving the palace to find him. Hermes could actually change the whole story due to his own power of being a messenger. …show more content…

Hermes could definitely portray an excellent guide to Odysseus. Hermes could give him little items on his journey home to keep him safe. This could be as little as a compass or a map. The item could also be as big as a boat to cross the lake. Odysseus' goal is to get home to Penelope. However, Odysseus may not know the correct path to take. Hermes could lead him on the safest path home. This gesture by Hermes could keep Odysseus safe and calm his whole way home. This guiding home could relate back to his power on delivering messages and being in on plans of others who are out to get Odysseus. Hermes would be the prime

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