The Protagonist In The Book Thief

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In The Book Thief, there is one primary antagonist in the story, who is also consequently the inciting force for the book. That man is Adolf Hitler, who stirred up Germany into the Second World War and formed the Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler is the main antagonist in the book, from his influence and power in Nazi Germany, as well for his contrasting ideals with Liesel Meminger. In addition, he was the dictator of Germany, and attempted to create the “Perfect” Aryan race. By this, it meant to send millions of minorities, like Jews and Communists, to their deaths. This is known as the Holocaust, which is remembered throughout the world, because almost everyone who died was innocent. His rule over Germany is also shown in “The Book Thief”, where everyone is afraid of going to a …show more content…

An example of this in The Book Thief is Hans Junior, the son of Liesel’s father, and a member of the Nazi Party. He firmly believes that Hitler’s rule will lead to a better place for Germany, and is always encouraging literature that contain Nazi propaganda. This is shown as Hans Jr. suggests after seeing that Liesel was reading a book that wasn’t popular literature that encouraged Nazism, “What trash is this girl reading? She should be reading Mein Kampf.” (94) This shows the influence from Hitler in everyday lives, with people being brainwashed into believing that he will create a utopia for the Aryan race, as well as those same people trying to get others on the corrupted path of Nazism. In addition, the Hitler Youth program, which was taught by other Nazis, talked about how meritorious the Fürher was by what he did, in addition to showing passages showing his justifications. This alone can prove the evils in Hitler and how he deceived the population through it. In short, Hitler is the antagonist not just because of what he can do, but what he can make others

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