The Pros and Cons of Marijuana

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Marijuana has many positive and negative effects on the body. Marijuana Myths have been harmful to society by attracting people to the drug. Myths about the marijuana not being harmful have caused people to use the dug without the effects on the body. Myths are generated by popular culture to give people false ideas about the drug (National Drug Conference 8-9).

Marijuana can be historically linked to many countries. Marijuana was used for both religious and medical purposes. The Chinese used it as an aesthesia during surgery. In France there was a desert called Dawamesc that contained marijuana. It was brought to India in about 2000 B.C. and since has been used by Turkistan and Mongolian Tribes. It was mainly used in sacrificial religion as one of their five kingdoms on plants. There was a similar use for marijuana in Africa. Africans burned hemp in large fires to breathe the vapors. Eventually clay pipes and water pipes were developed to cool the harsh smoke. Marijuana had different uses in North America when it was introduced to Jamestown in 1611. Settlers used it differently then cultures in other parts of the world. The plant was mainly grown as a source of fiber, under the order of the King of England. It had a major effect on the colonial clothing industry by being mixed with flax or wool. Sailors also used the marijuana plant material as a substitute for sails on their ships. Overall, Marijuana has a variety of different uses in countries around the world (Responsib...

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