The Pros And Cons Of Police Search

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The U.S Census Bureau reports that over 13 percent of the total population were African American, 17 percent are Hispanic, and 61 percent are White. My report will center around police stops and searches. In recent years, the two common ways of police searching of citizens that were not involved in a crime are traffic stops and random searches known as Stop & Frisk. My reason for choosing this topic is to highlight facts that led to the inconsistencies in arrest rates among ethic groups demographically.
It's important to note that our police officers on a daily basis serve the public and perform their heroic duties in a highly stressful environment on countless occasions. However, what would you do, or would you feel if you were stopped by …show more content…

Even today, white are still more likely to use or be on drugs. However, black and brown people in this country still remain the main or the wrong side of illegal searches and harassment. I'm not saying that minorities don't have issues that causes law enforcement personnel to have their guards up while performing their job in low-income communities, but It is my belief that the media play a major role with how black and brown people are viewed in this country. In 1964, Malcolm X once said," If you aren't careful, the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." My point in using his statement is that the media. The media like or not play and important role in how we view the world. The role that the media plays in reporting crime has led to the criminalization of minority communities because what we see on television affect our psyche. Every low-income community across the country share the same issues as it pertains to drugs and violence, but the media doesn't portray crime evenly across the board. Unfortunately, perception is reality and our law enforcement personnel take into account what they see in the news then apply that knowledge in their everyday practice on the job. I'm sure in their defense is that their view is they want to remain self and preserve the lives of the public and themselves, but the numbers clearly state that there is an issue of racism. The solution to turning around the disproportionate number of police stops and searches in transitioning the police force into making it mirror the community it serves. A clear issue police have in this society is that some officers find it hard to see the people they serve as someone they can relate too. We will never get to a point where our law enforcement and

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