The Pros And Cons Of PVC

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Today, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used in many different products across the world. According to the APHA (2011), the material can be found in toys, medical supplies, floors, and even food wrapping. (p. 1) I believe that this material has made it possible for a lot of products to be made that have benefited the human population, but I believe there are many drawbacks to using this material. Today, most people are not aware of the dangers that PVC poses to humans and the environment (APHA, 2011, p. 1). The overall lifecycle of PVC products is dangerous, because workers are exposed to PVC on a daily basis and vinyl chloride is a known human carcinogen (Gold & Helfand, 2002). Not only are the workers at a great risk, but the communities surrounding the factories that manufacture and dispose of PVC materials face a risk (Gold & Helfand, 2002). In the film Blue Vinyl, families were forced out of their homes when groundwater became contaminated from the manufacturing of PVC (Gold & Helfand, 2002). Also, the film gave eye witness accounts to the trees being brown in their neighborhoods due to being close to the factories that produced PVC, while trees on the other side of the river were considerable greener in color. The production of PVC creates …show more content…

Altogether, PVC has been shown to be dangerous during formation, disposal, and the lifecycle between. PVC is part of many products that humans use on a daily basis, but there are proposed alternatives to PVC plastics. Today, silicone and rubber are materials that could take place of PVC in medical tubing or linoleum on the floor, which could lead to healthier cheaper options (APHA, 2011, p. 4). Overall, the material can cause to many negative health effects and poses a great risk to our environment, which ultimately will come back to impact

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