The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants

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Many people today view America as the land of opportunities and wealth, which is why many migrated to America whether if it is for a better life, religious freedom, or an improved economy. Though at times immigrants don’t receive such a warm welcome, they often have to face with discrimination and it is really difficult for them to become accepted simply because they assume that they won’t adapt to the American culture. Another problem they fear is that immigrants are taking their jobs away from born citizens. There are various mixed of different views on immigrants. Immigrants who move to America to start a new life shouldn’t be looked frowned upon especially if some aren’t willing to adapt to certain things, if they don’t affect others or shove religion down people’s throat and if they mind their own business then it shouldn’t be a problem. People don’t keep in mind that the rightful owners of this continent are the Native Americans. Before anybody ever stepped foot in the Americas the Native Americans had already been living here. Native Americans had already settled in their homes, it wasn’t till the Europeans arrived and drastically destroyed the lives of many Natives. The Natives …show more content…

As if changing their whole lifestyle wasn’t enough. They stole their ideas, their riches, took over their territory claiming it theirs once and for all. They even enslaved the Natives forcing them to work. The Natives idea of land use wasn’t about who owned it, the land was for anybody who needed it. The Natives homes were typically arranged in a circle they didn’t have any type of boundary to keep people out. The Europeans on the other hand, had a different view on their idea of home land ownership. They had small villages and had built walls around the village to keep the Natives away from their homes and

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