The Pros And Cons Of Factory Farms

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Factory Farms Most of the meat the U.S. eats is produced in factory farms. Factory farms are farms that house animals (hogs and chickens) until the animals are ready to become the food that is in grocery stores today. Factory farms should not be able to take care of animals because the process is not humane. Animals that live in factory farms are packed together tightly with very little room, do not get access to the outdoors, and are drugged with antibiotics every day. The factory farms process is not humane toward the animals. Animals that are in are in these farms should, at least, be allowed to go outside once a day. If the animals were to never go outside, then the animals would be stuck in an overheated room with very little space to move. In the article “What’s Wrong With Factory Farms? - Factory Farm Map.” Factory Farm Map. NP., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016, most importantly the article acknowledges, “Most factory farmed hogs and chickens have no access to the outdoors and never see daylight.” This means that hogs and chickens are crammed in an area with no sunlight or fresh air. …show more content…

If factory farms are giving the animals daily amounts of antibiotics, then the animals may get overdosed with antibiotics even though some are not hurt and nothing is wrong. “What's Wrong With Factory Farms? - Factory Farm Map." Factory Farm Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016, the article assures, “Many factory farms routinely give low levels of antibiotics to animals, even if they aren’t sick.” What makes this clear is that the farms can overdose the animals with antibiotics that are given out on a regular

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