Essay On Date Rape

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No Means No Sexual assault has been an issue this country and almost every other has faced for decades. Since the 1700s, the term date rape has been around to distinguish between rape by a stranger and rape by an acquaintance. Alcohol and drugs are commonly used in date rapes to make the victim incapacitated and therefore an easier target. There are many drugs out there that are usedto commit date rapes. Three of the most known are roofies, GHB, and ketamine. The refusaland dismissive response to “no” is what has lead to the problem the nation faces of date rape. Non-consensual means that it is without agreement: rape is a non-consensual sexual act. The definition of date rape is “an unwanted sex act forced on a person by someone he or she knows” (Student Resources in Context, 2014, para. 1). With date rape, a person could have the act forced on them, or be incapacitated and unable to give consent in the right state of mind. Forced is more likely to happen by a stranger or ex-dating partner, while incapacitated would more likely be a friend or acquaintance. 84 percent of female victims of date rape know their assailant (DeVaron, 2011). Forced rapes usually happen between noon and midnight, while incapacitated are more likely to occur from midnight …show more content…

To avoid the cry of rape, one should always make sure their sexual parter is in complete agreement to the act. Never assume a sexual partner is ready or willing. No always means no, and any other phrase that is similar and shows unwillingness. On the other hand, to avoid being a victim, “no” should always be stated in a clean, serious tone. “No” is used by many to express feelings or opinion. The word “no” means a denial or refusal. An uncountable amount of people have used this word in one way, phrase, or another, to give their disapproval or unwillingness to sex (The White House Council on Women and Girls,

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