Money, IT Mastery, and Flawless Criminal Profiling

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Part A
Money is not an issue, IT mastermind, and flawless Criminal Profiling
When watching any of the crime shows like Criminal Minds, money does not seem to be an issue. The profilers are getting on their jet flying all over. The woman in the IT department has access to numerous databases and the speed she can obtain this information is almost instantaneous. She is able to cross information on multiple levels in order to access all kinds of databases. One episode she was able to hack into the school records to find out if a child was at school that day or not. She was previously a hacker before coming to the BAU. She agreed to work for the BAU instead of doing jail time. Another impression with this television show is that criminal profiling is almost flawless. They are able to predict the age range, ethnicity, and the personality of the individuals they are profiling. The degree to which they are so precise makes one think that they would be able to find the “unsub” no matter what circumstance.

Superb fighting skills to become …show more content…

The site goes into detail about being able to succeed in all areas, not just fighting skills. There is an age requirement range. The individual must have a four-year degree and have three years of professional work experience. There has to be an application and testing process in addition to the physical fitness test.

Committing crimes
Committing a crime is punishable no matter what your title is. There was a recent article KTVQ by Ed Kemmick discussing a police officer (Grant Morrison) who has been in the spotlight the past year. He shot an armed man, housed pot-bellied pigs, a fawn deer on his property, and the latest is obtaining criminal justice information for his private use (Kemmick, 2015). There are consequences to everyone’s bad choices.


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