The Pros And Cons Of Cosmetic Animal Testing

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Are Home Pets caged until starvation? Do they get abandoned or mistreated? Do they get tested on? Many advertisements show us how unfortunate animals are that end up in the wrong home. But why is society not being shown the sheer cruelty of Cosmetic Animal Testing?
'Blinded for beauty - Petra' is this something our public has accepted? Or is it that they don't know enough? For Cosmetics, innocent animals are suffering tremendous pain and just because of self-indulgence. It has now become a day-to-day process in the cosmetic industry to test on animals, but unfortunately the public is not shown anywhere near enough information about the topic because of how truly horrific it is.

Testing cosmetics on animals safety and hypo-allergenic properties of products for use by humans. In March 2013, a new European Union law was achieved, that made it illegal to sell animal-tested cosmetics in Europe, even if the testing was done outside Europe. Approximately 100,000-200,000 animals suffer and die just for cosmetics every year around the world. These are rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice. While dogs and monkeys are never used to test cosmetics anywhere in the world, they are used to test other types of chemicals.

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Companies could easily use thousands of ingredients that have already been approved and had success with testing on humans, which requires no further testing with animals. It would be appealing as the cruelty-free way would be quicker and the outlook would save a lot of money as well.Are Home Pets caged until starvation? Do they get abandoned or mistreated? Do they get tested on? Many advertisements show us how unfortunate animals are that end up in the wrong home. But why is society not being shown the sheer cruelty of Cosmetic Animal

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