The Pros And Cons Of A Woolly Mammoth

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Scientists have been attempting to recreate the woolly mammoth's genetic information. They have made bringing back the woolly mammoth or even other extinct animals “theoretically” possible. We are still deciding if bringing the woolly mammoth back into the environment is attainable and if this is what scientists should be focusing on, as well the pros and cons of this process. The scientists call it: de-extinction. Before I explain how this will be even scientifically possible, let’s compare this as a real life Jurassic Park experience, at first it was an ingenious idea. Additionally, can we talk about how much this will affect us? They are starting the process currently, and in about the next three years, we will have a real life woolly mammoth roaming the earth. We have little time to panic as our awaited deaths will be soon from a “science experiment”. Many people are concerned about the impact this will have on ecosystems and environments, and how this technology could make de-extinction a real part of our future. …show more content…

The way they have edited 15 genes to resemble a woolly mammoth's is with a technology called CRISPR-Cas9. This enables editing of genetic material by cutting and pasting DNA code sequences. Scientists are working on editing 30 more genetic codes and by the start of 2020, we will have a real life woolly mammoth on our earth. They have an international team working on the editing and developing of recreating woolly mammoth DNA coding and they are lead by Harvard Geneticist Dr. George

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